Tuesday, 3 April 2012

S U M M E R / S T Y L I N G //

Items I am drooling over to add to my summer wardrobe....

L U S T //

F I R S T / T H U R S D A Y S / ( A P R I L ) //

So many rad events happening this Thursday evening!!

Think I'm going to have to cycle like a mad thing to squeeze them all in... but I'm determined to see ALL of them!

Monday, 2 April 2012

R E M E M B E R //

I haven't listened to this song in A-G-E-S... It reminds me of Euro rave missions with my Italo Disco friends, short flights and long club nights, running up room service charges that cost more than the accommodation itself, flashing lights, disco balls and lots of smiles. :) :) :D


Sunday, 1 April 2012

M R / C H I I Z U //

I've just bought the hella crazy fun app Mr. Chiizu for my iPhone!

It basically allows you to decorate photos from your camera roll with stickers, text bubbles and borders, with additional in-app packs available to purchase from designers and artists such as Muxxi and Skwak.

My next in-app pack purchase will be by illustrator Jesse LeDoux, and I'm thinking of using them for personalised greetings cards for my nearest and dearest. Moonpig and Funky Pigeon can do one! This is waaaay more rad!

A D D I C T E D //